The Market Advisor application was developed in response to the saturation of pre-owned aircraft on the market. Customers were asking for information in sales meetings, but the New Aircraft Sales Representatives were not empowered with knowledge of the market. This could potentially stall a sale for weeks or months while the customer went off to research the market on their own.


Workflow of screens for Market Advisor app



We interviewed project stakeholders as well as members of the Pre-Owned Aircraft team and New Aircraft Sales Representatives. The main goals for the solution were to not add any additional work for the data manager and make sure that the sales representatives had the most up-to-date information possible. 

Ideation & Initial Design

The user base, New Aircraft Sales Representatives and Pre-Owned Aircraft Sales, were already familiar with another app, Gulfstream Pre-Owned Aircraft. For this reason, we decided to mimic its base navigation: main list and then drill down to details.


Collected designs from doing market research on sorting and filtering


Market Research

Generally, customers are looking for specific features of an aircraft, and the sales representative needs to be able to narrow down a large list of possibilities quickly. Therefore, One of the major features of the Market Advisor application was the ability to sort and filter. 

We looked at a variety of different apps in order to come up with a variety of possibilities for each field that needed to be filtered. We focused on a similar situation for our users: lots of options with a specific set of criteria in mind. For example, when looking for hotel rooms or buying a house. 

Usability Testing

We performed usability testing with sales representatives. It turned out that the data hierarchy in the main list was too flat. It was difficult to determine what information being displayed was the most important.

We decided to increase the size of the most important fields and decrease the size of the less important fields in order to help facilitate easier browsing.


Final filter design for the Market Advisor app


Market Snapshot

As we reached the end of the project, we had time leftover to develop an additional feature. The highest priority item in the backlog was a graph depicting a "snapshot" of the current market for each aircraft model. The most important piece of information a sales representative needs to know is whether or not the number of aircraft for sale of any given model is more or less than 10% of the active fleet. I was given the opportunity to design this graph and collaborate with the developers to carry out the design. 


Market Snapshot graph in the Market Advisor app