Austin Design Week 2020 - Aeroderivative: Retooling Design Methodologies in Aviation (Panel Discussion)

How do designers adapt and mold their design methodologies, techniques, and processes in an aviation context? The goal of this talk is to share some of the learnings from design workshops, feedback sessions, and research sessions with airlines around the world. While there is a large focus on the consumer and passenger experience, the speaker panel will share varied design perspectives on the internal operational side of aviation. OEMs (original equipment manufacturers like General Electric and Boeing) and airlines (Qantas) employ designers to design for pilots, flight test engineers, and flight data analysts among other key users.

We will cover how design has traditionally functioned in aviation, and the move toward “digital transformation”. We will be sharing brief case studies as well as design methodologies for improving data quality and data literacy as part of design principles.

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HFES Annual Meeting 2020 - General Aviation Weather Hazards (Panel Discussion)

When General Aviation (GA) pilots encounter unexpected weather hazards in-flight, the results are typically deadly. It is unsurprising that the National Transportation Safety Board repeatedly lists weather related factors in GA flight operations as an unsolved aviation safety challenge. Solving this problem requires multidisciplinary perspectives. Fortunately, in the past several years innovative laboratory research and industry products have become available. This panel discussion brings together Human Factors and Ergonomics researchers and practitioners to discuss and describe the current work and future directions to avoid weather related accidents in GA.


Geekend 2019 - Gleaning User Insights (Workshop)

Gulfstream UX Designer Alyssa Greenman knows a thing or two about gathering useful data from users/customers and when to use which techniques. In this hands-on workshop, she will teach several methods, including interviewing, A/B testing, ethnographic studies, journey mapping, usability testing, and more. Participants will be able to immediately put the techniques into practice in their own products and services.


Geekend 2018 - The Art of User Experience (Panel Discussion)

The essence of user experience is how a person feels when interfacing with a system. Ironically, it is something we never think about unless the process is broken and it is not easy to use a particular product. Join this panel of user experience experts as they discuss projects ranging from video games to mobile apps to B2B sites and hear about their process of designing human centered experiences and products. Learn about the processes and tools that they use to figure out how a user should interact with a product, including user research, interviews, data analytics, algorithms and more.